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October 20, 2020 2 min read

'When should I move my baby out of a cot?'

'When should I move my baby out of a cot?'

'How many years do you use a cot for?'

'When do toddlers move into beds?'

These are questions we're asked often at Global Baby. The answer depends on a few things; your family, your child's physical capabilities, and your child's size. There's no set age, but most children will move graduate from the cot between 18 months and 3.5 years.

There are benefits to sleeping in a cot:

  • Safe from falls
  • Less distractions- toddlers in a cot can't get up and play with their toys when they are supposed to be going to sleep.
  • Better, longer sleeps
  • Safe from other hazards in their bedroom, choke hazards, fall hazards, and electrical hazards.
  • Can't get up and wander around the house at night, or early in the morning.
  • Promotes good sleep habits.

Reasons for moving out of a cot

Growing Family- Some families move their toddler out of the cot because there is a new baby on the way. In this case we would recommend trying to keep the toddler in the cot for as long as possible- past two years old if you can. Consider keeping the toddler in the cot until the baby has outgrown their bassinet and making the switch then. Moving into a big kid's bed, and having a new baby in the family are two HUGE transitions for your toddler, ideally they wouldn't both happen at the same time. 

Climbing out of the cot- This is a significant safety risk, we would recommend moving your toddler out of the cot if they're a climber. Cots like our Babyhood Riya Cot are good in this circumstance, as they come with a toddler rail which will prevent your toddler rolling out when they're sleeping. 

Too big- It would be unusual for children to grow out of the cots that we sell at Global Baby, as they are a larger size they will fit most children in width and length well past three and a half years old.

Too old- This one is up to you! We think that there are loads of benefits to sleeping in the cot. When you move your little one out, be prepared for more time spent getting to sleep at night, more wake-ups during the night, and earlier mornings! Hopefully all three things won't happen for you, and I'm not trying to scare you!

Lastly, moving into a bed is a significant transition for your child. Be mindful of making the transition near other big life events, like the birth of a sibling, changing childcare centres, or moving house. I speak from experience about moving house! LOL!



Edited to add: Our three year old has decided that she doesn't want to wear a night nappy anymore. There have been quite a few accidents, but we're sticking with it because she's so keen. I'm really happy that she's still in a toddler bed and not a single bed, it is soooo much easier to change the sheet and mattress protector on a toddler bed!!

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